Bahamas, Barbade, Guyane, Jamaïque et Trinité-et-Tobago
(disponible en anglais)
Mrs. Ramroop was nominated by the Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana to represent Guyana on the Board of Directors of the IDB, IDB Invest, and The Multilateral Investment Fund. Mrs. Ramroop’s appointment came into effect on September 1, 2022.
She brings to the Board over twenty years of experience at the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), having worked in the Caribbean Region (Jamaica, Guyana, Trinidad, and Tobago, Suriname, Barbados, the Bahamas, and the OECS countries (via the CDB) on private sector issues, infrastructure development, and financing, business competitiveness, access to finance, financial sector strengthening, MSME financing, housing financing, and capital markets development.
She has led sector dialogue with government officials on issues concerning the financial sector strengthening and improving access to credit, implementation of secured transactions registry and framework, credit bureau framework, MSMEs legislation and improving bank supervision for both banks and non-banks sectors, financial inclusion via reforms and investment activities such as partial credit guarantees, lines of credit and institutional development for public financial institutions and financial regulatory agencies.
Before joining the Bank, Navita worked with the Government of Guyana on its privatization program, which included the sale of its national bank, the power company, and BOOT transactions (the Berbice River Bridge). She also worked in the United States for a bottling company (Northshore Bottling), enhancing their sales to the Caribbean, and implemented an automated inventory system for its branches in upstate New York, Brooklyn, and Miami. In addition, she lectured at the University of Guyana in Computer studies and Business Finance.
She holds a BSC in Accounting from the University of Guyana (Valedictorian of 1996), Recipient of the President of Guyana’s Medal for Best Graduating Student and Laparkan’s Prize for Best Graduating Accounting Student in 1996. Recipient of the EU Lome IV scholarship to undertake an MSC in International Business at the University of West Indies UWI (Mona, 1999). She holds numerous certificates (including a certificate in Executive Leadership from Cornell University, 2013).
Rotarian since 2006 in the Rotary Club of Stabroek and subsequently with the Rotary Club of Kingston. Served as director for Administration and Foundation.
Navita’s appointment as AED for the Caribbean Constituency gives her the responsibility for the conduct of the operations of the Bank, and this purpose, she may exercise all the powers delegated by the countries of The Bahamas, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago in the absence of the Executive Director. Among other duties, she acts as an alternate in approving the loan and guarantees proposals, policies, country strategies, the administrative budget, setting interest rates, and making decisions on borrowing and other financial matters.
Inter-American Development Bank
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Washington, D.C 20577, USA
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