
Brazil - Brazil - Estrada Nova Watershed Sanitation (PROMABEN)

Country: Brazil

Reception date: October, 4 2010

Current Status: Closed

Mr. Jose Nildo Trinidade da Costa

Summary of the Request

Mr. Jose Nildo Trinidade da Costa sent a Request to the ICIM outlining issues related to resettlement and expropriation processes in the Estrada Nova community, located in the city of Belem, Brazil. The Request includes concerns regarding the resettlement component of the program and its apparent inappropriate execution.

MICI actions

Once eligibility was established, the ICIM team facilitated a solution-seeking dialogue table with the participation of the Requester and Executing Agency representatives. Actions by the ICIM were conducive to an open dialogue and to the establishment of a clear definition of the issues and steps necessary to resolve them. As a result, in May 2011, the Parties involved reached a set of agreements which translated in the successful conclusion of the Consultation Phase.

Furthermore, and in an effort to enhance the quality of PROMABEN's response to actual and future complaints, the ICIM and IDB's Environmental and Safeguards Group (ESG) suggested the creation of a Project level Local Grievance Mechanism (LGM). The LGM will be handled by PROMABEN and will constitute a one-stop-shop for the beneficiaries to submit questions and concerns related to the Project. The ICIM will work with the IDB Project team to provide further technical assistance to the LGM as required.

Project Number:


Environmental Category:


Project Name:

Estrada Nova Watershed Sanitation Program - PROMABEN



Project Type:

Loan Operation

IDB Invest Financing:

USD 68,571,722.73

Steps and milestones Date Remarks Documents
Filing of Request


Request received by Executive Secretariat



October 22, 2010

The document is available is Spanish and Portuguese




Notice of registration of Request and transfer to the Consultation Phase



October 28, 2010



Eligibility for the Consultation Phase


Eligibility due date



November 18, 2010

(15 business days from date of transfer to the Consultation Phase)



Eligibility revised due date



November 29, 2010




Issuance of Eligibility Memorandum



December 17, 2010

The Eligibility Memorandum is published after it is distributed to the Board of Executive Directors.



Eligibility memorandum distributed to the Board of Executive Directors



December 17, 2010





Assessment due date



April 17, 2011

(120 calendar days from the date of issuance of the eligibility memorandum)



Assessment revised due date



May 11, 2011




Issuance of Assessment Report



May 12, 2011

The Assessment Report is published after it is distributed to the Board of Executive Directors.



Assessment Report distributed to the Board of Executive Directors



June 9, 2011




Issuance of Consultation Phase Report



May 12, 2012

The Consultation Phase Report is published after it is distributed to the Board of Executive Directors. Assessment and Consultation Phase Reports were presented as a single document.



Consultation Phase Report distributed to the Board of Executive Directors



June 9, 2011