
Brazil - Brazil - Mario Covas Rodoanel Project - Northern Section 1

Country: Brazil

Reception date: May, 13 2011

Current Status: Closed

Messrs. Mauro Antonio Moraes Victor y Marco Antonio Garcia Martins

Summary of the Request

The Request received by the ICIM from Mauro Antonio Moraes Victor y Marco Antonio Garcia Martins, on their behalf and in representation of a several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Colectivo de Entidades Ambientalistas, presents concerns related to possible environmental and social impacts that the future construction of the Northern portion of the Rodoanel Mário Covas Project could cause. The Request indicates that the IDB’s Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) did not include certain aspects that would be fundamental for the decision making process and the eventual implementation of the Project. The major concerns presented include: increment of over-exploitation of water resources; risk of inundations and natural disasters; soil and water contamination; damage to the natural habitat; climate change; health related issues due to contamination; resettlement issues; and inadequate participation of civil society.

MICI actions

In this particular case, even though the Requesters were amenable to a certain level of dialogue, they did not accept to enter into the Consultation Phase, requesting explicitly that the Request be analyzed by the Compliance Review Panel. Therefore, the Request was declared ineligible for the Consultation Phase.

The Requesters indicated their desire to go through the Compliance Review Phase. The Request was declared eligible for a Compliance Review and several conflicting views related to the design of the project were identified.

During the first quarter of 2013 the Panel issued a draft Recommendation for a Compliance Review and its terms of reference which was circulated to Management and the Requesters. The deadline for written comments from both Parties was March 21st, 2013 and both Parties submitted their comments within the established timeframe. The Panel is addressing the Parties´ comments and questions and will include any items that it deems necessary in order to issue a final Recommendation for a Compliance Review.

The Panel submitted the recommendation and terms of reference to the Board for its consideration. On July 10, 2013, and after an exhaustive review of the elements presented in the document, the Board did not authorize the initiation of a Compliance Review. The case is therefore closed.

Project Number:


Environmental Category:


Project Name:

Mario Covas Rodoanel Project - Northern Section



Project Type:

Loan Operation

IDB Invest Financing:

USD 1,122,200,458.41

Steps and milestones Date Remarks Documents
Filing of Request


Request received by Executive Secretariat



May 13, 2011





Notice of registration of Request and transfer to the Consultation Phase



May 23, 2011



Eligibility for the Consultation Phase


Eligibility due date



June 12, 2011

(15 business days from date of transfer to the Consultation Phase)



Eligibility revised due date



August 22, 2011




Issuance of Eligibility Memorandum



August 22, 2011

The Eligibility Memorandum is published after it is distributed to the Board of Executive Directors.



Eligibility memorandum distributed to the Board of Executive Directors



September 19, 2011



Closing of the Consultation Phase


File transferred to the Executive Secretariat


August 23, 2011



Compliance Review Intake


Notification received by Executive Secretariat indicating/ratifying Requester(s) desire to have a Compliance review by the Panel



May 13, 2011



Transfer Notice


Notice of transfer



August 23, 2011



Eligibility for the Compliance Review Phase


Eligibility due date



September 14, 2011

(15 business days from date of transfer to the Compliance Review Phase)



Eligibility revised due date



December 16, 2011




Issuance of Eligibility Memorandum



December 17, 2011

The Eligibility Memorandum is published after it is distributed to the Board of Executive Directors.



Eligibility Memorandum distributed to the Board of Executive Directors



January 10, 2012



Terms of Reference (TORs)


Issuance of draft recommendation and TORs



February 20, 2013




Due date for Management and Requester’s comments to draft recommendation



March 21, 2013

(20 business days for submission of comments)



Submission of the final document to the Board of Executive Directors for consideration



May 29, 2013

June 5, 2013: Non-objection process stopped. Request to include the document in agenda for consideration. June 12, 2013: Consideration of document postponed. June 19, 2013: Consideration of the document postponed. July 10, 2013: Document considered by the Board.



Determination of the Board of Executive Directors to conduct a Compliance Review



July 10, 2013

Recommendation to conduct a Compliance Review was not approved.