
Argentina - Argentina - Sustainable Environmental Urban Management Program for the Reconquista River Basin-Province of Buenos Aires

Country: Argentina

Reception date: October, 10 2013

Current Status: Closed

Francisco Javier de Amorrortu

Summary of the Request

The Requester presents two issues: i) allegations of fraud and corruption related to non-compliance with federal and state legislation in Argentina and ii) the bad quality of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as it does not consider the problem of the basin in its analysis.

MICI actions

The Request was transferred to the Consultation Phase and declared ineligible by the Eligibility Committee on December 6, 2013. The memorandum was distributed to the the Board of Executive Directors on January 7, 2014 and is now available to the public.

Project Number:


Environmental Category:


Project Name:

Reconquista River Basin Environmental Sanitation Program



Project Type:

Loan Operation

IDB Invest Financing:

USD 230,000,000.00

Steps and milestones Date Remarks Documents
Filing of Request


Request received by Executive Secretariat



October 10, 2013





Notice of registration of Request and transfer to the Consultation Phase



October 31, 2013



Eligibility for the Consultation Phase


Eligibility due date



November 21, 2013

(15 business days from date of transfer to the Consultation Phase)



Eligibility revised due date



December 6, 2013




Issuance of Eligibility Memorandum



December 6, 2013

The Eligibility Memorandum is published after it is distributed to the Board of Executive Directors.



Eligibility memorandum distributed to the Board of Executive Directors



January 7, 2014